FTC and hair removal overview

U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

FTC Bureaus and Divisions involved in hair removal

FTC has an excellent overview of their policies, but here are the basics as they involve hair removal.

Bureau of Consumer Protection

This is the primary FTC branch as far as hair removal is concerned. They have five divisions, four of which have hair removal responsibilities.

Bureau of Consumer Protection

Division of Planning and Information

This is where you register complaints to FTC through one of two forms:.

Electronic Complaint Form
File a complaint online

Division of Advertising Practices

Protects consumers from deceptive and unsubstantiated advertising.

Division of Enforcement

Investigates violations and monitors compliance with judgments handed down by FTC

Division of Marketing Practices

Regulates certain hair removal devices sold as home business opportunities.

Other involved offices

Office of the General Counsel oversees FTC’s investigative and enforcement activities

Administrative Law Judges review FTC complaints and issue rulings which become Commission orders (injunctive and/or cease & desist orders).

The Office of the Secretary and Office of Public Relations publicize Commission Actions, Press Releases and Speeches.

Regional Offices can also assist you in finding federal, state, and local consumer resources.

Source: FTC website