I’ve divided this laser facial hair removal information for men and women, since the issues are a little different, but this first section is true for everyone.
Laser can be a great option if you have light colored skin and dark hair. Laser can also make the hairs finer and lighter in color after a few treatments. This can make a major cosmetic difference in a hurry.
For best results, you are going to want to choose a practitioner with a lot of experience. The laser needs to be set just right, especially if the hairs are coarse. Skin on the chin and around the mouth is delicate, and overtreatment is possible if the practitioner is inexperienced.
Another very important consideration is to avoid sun on the treated areas before and after treatment.
I recommend getting a test patch done before committing to treatment on your face. That way you can see how your skin reacts on a place that isn’t as visible as your face. If the test patch goes well, be sure to avoid sun before and after treatment to minimize the chance of color change.
Some women have hair on their face that is a real hassle.
I have a special page about chin hair removal. Laser can be a good option, as I discuss there.
Upper lip:
Besides chin hair, the other big complaint I hear about from women is hair on the upper lip. For some of us, it’s just a few, but for some women, it can can be a part of daily maintenance to try to keep up with these pesky hairs.
Hair on the upper lip tends to be the most painful to remove. Plucking, electrolysis and laser can bring a tear to your eye, but there are ways to reduce the pain and make it quite bearable.
A few wispy hairs near the ears are no big deal, but for some women, they continue a little further down than they’d like. They can also be fairly coarse and dark for some of us. Shaving or trimming them can make them feel more coarse, and waxing can be tedious. Some women have found laser to be an excellent option for those areas.
Lots of men hate shaving, but facial hair removal for males is the ultimate stress test for a hair removal method or practitioner. It requires a real commitment, but some men have been pleased with the results.
Multiple treatments required:
Males will have to commit to more treatments than women. In addition, you will probably have to stick with it until all your beard is gone, since it’s likely you will see patch regrowth while you are in the middle of treatment. However, if you see it through, your whiskers will get lighter in color and finer, making shaving easier and reducing shadow. Again this is a time consuming and difficult thing to undertake. you may need to follow up with professional electrolysis to get any gray or light colored hairs, which laser doesn’t treat well.
Razor bumps:
Recently, laser has been used to help men with ingrown hairs and razor bumps. If you have dark skin, it is extremely important that the practitioner has experience treating dark skin. Dark skin is much more likely to get damaged by laser, so please do your homework if you have dark skin and razor bumps and are considering laser.
Neck and throat:
Many males have whskers on their necks that grown in multiple directions, making shaving especially hard. To top it off, the skin on your neck is very thin, and the heavy treatment needed for male facial hair can be a lot to take. Still, it can help men who get shaving rash in this area, or ingrown hairs. Some men only do this area.
Some men ask about eyebrows. I don’t recommend doing laser near your eyes, but some men will get a unibrow zapped. If you are going to do this (which I don’t recommend), it’s very important that you take every precaution to protect your eyes.
Other hair removal options
In addition to laser, you should also consider professional electrolysis.