Chernoff, 1997 Title: Selective photothermolysis for hair removal. Authors: Chernoff WG Journal: Int J Aesth Restor Surg 5:50, 1997 PMID: — Affiliated institution: Cited in: This early summary of laser hair removal primarily discusses hair physiology, with a very brief summary of preliminary findings with ruby and Nd:YAG lasers. Dr. Chernoff, who now prefers the … Continue reading “Chernoff, 1997 (laser review)”
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Bargman, 1999 Title: Point-counterpoint: laser hair removal. Author: Bargman H Journal: J Cutan Med Surg 1999 Jul;3(5):241 PMID: 10381948, UI: 99316416J Featured with another piece on electrolysis (Richards 1999)
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Altshuler, 1999 Title: Contact cooling of the skin. Author: Altshuler GB, Zenzie HH, Erofeev AV, Smirnov MZ, Anderson RR, Dierickx C Journal: Phys Med Biol 1999 Apr;44(4):1003-23 PMID: 10232811, UI: 99247796 Affiliated institution: Palomar Medical Products, Inc., Lexington, MA 02173, USA. Cited in: Skin precooling can be used to reduce epidermal thermal damage in laser … Continue reading “Altshuler, 1999 (laser contact cooling)”
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Wagner, 1998 Title: Dermatologists’ attitudes toward independent nonphysician electrolysis practice. Author: Wagner RF Jr, Brown T, Archer RE, Uchida T Journal: Dermatol Surg 1998 Mar;24(3):357-62; discussion 362-3 PMID: 9537011, UI: 98198115 Affiliated institution: Department of Dermatology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, USA. BACKGROUND: Dermatologists’ attitudes toward independent electrolysis practice by nonphysicians has historically ranged … Continue reading “Wagner, 1998 (doctors and electrolysis/laser practitioners)”
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Richards, 1999 Publication data Title: Point-counterpoint: electrolysis for permanent hair removal. Author: Richards RN Journal: J Cutan Med Surg 1999 Jul;3(5):239-40 PMID: 10381947, UI: 99316415 Featured with another piece on laser hair removal
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Diode laser medical data Diode lasers for hair removal were cleared by FDA to market in the U.S. in 1997. This laser is often called "promising," but there is almost no published clinical data. Published data overview: As with other types, this laser has been shown to be useful in treating ingrown eyelashes. [A, B] … Continue reading “Diode laser medical data”
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Soden, 2001 Title: Histologic features seen in changing nevi after therapy with an 810 nm pulsed diode laser for hair removal in patients with dysplastic nevi. Authors: Soden CE, Smith K, Skelton H. Journal: Int J Dermatol 2001 Aug;40(8):500-4 PMID: 11703520 ABSTRACT Affiliated institution: 8373 Cherry Lane, Laurel, Maryland, and the Departments of Dermatology and … Continue reading “Soden, 2000 (diode laser on moles)”
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Strempel, 2000 Title: [Treatment of trichiasis with a diode laser]. [Article in German] Authors: Strempel I, Strempel H, Lange P Journal: Ophthalmologe 2000 Sep;97(9):633-4 PMID: 11147338 Affiliated institution: Universitats-Augenklinik Marburg. Available at: BACKGROUND: Various methods have been used in the treatment of trichiasis: epilation, excision, cryosurgery, thermocaustic needle, and argon laser. None of these is … Continue reading “Strempel, 2000 (diode laser eyelash removal)”
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Lou, 2000 Title: Prospective study of hair reduction by diode laser (800 nm) with long-term follow-up. Authors: Lou WW, Quintana AT, Geronemus RG, Grossman MC Journal: Dermatol Surg 2000 May;26(5):428-32 PMID: 10816229 ABSTRACT Affiliated institution: Laser and Skin Surgery Center of New York, New York, USA. BACKGROUND: Multiple laser systems are available for the purpose … Continue reading “Lou, 2000 (diode laser clinical data)”
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