Akiyama, 1995 Title: Characterization of hair follicle bulge in human fetal skin: the human fetal bulge is a pool of undifferentiated keratinocytes. Authors: Akiyama M, Dale BA, Sun TT, Holbrook KA Journal: J Invest Dermatol 1995 Dec;105(6):844-50 PMID: 7490481, UI: 96086854 Affiliated institution: Department of Biological Structure, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, USA. … Continue reading “Akiyama 1995 (hair structure)”
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Tse, 1999 Title: Hair removal using a pulsed-intense light source. Authors: Tse Y Journal: Dermatol Clin 1999 Apr;17(2):373-85, ix PMID: 10327304, UI: 99259280 Affiliated institution: Department of Dermatology, University of California San Diego, USA. Cited in : . Many new laser and light sources have been developed for removal of unwanted body and facial hair. … Continue reading “Tse, 1999 (flash lamp clinical data)”
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Weiss, 1999 Title: Hair removal with a non-coherent filtered flashlamp intense pulsed light source. Authors: Weiss RA, Weiss MA, Marwaha S, Harrington AC Journal: Lasers Surg Med 1999;24(2):128-32 PMID: 10100650, UI: 99198749 Affiliated institution: Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. rwderm@home.com Cited in : BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects on … Continue reading “Weiss, 1999 (flash lamp clinical data)”
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Weiss, 2000 Title: The efficacy of long-term epilation of unwanted hair by noncoherent filtered flashlamp. Authors: Weiss G, Cohen B Journal: Lasers Surg Med 2000;26(4):345 PMID: 10805938 Affiliated institution: Cited in : A brief letter on the benefits of flashlamp epilation. See also Weiss (1999).
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Schroeter, 1999 Title: Hair removal in 40 hirsute women with an intense laser-like light source. Authors: Schroeter CA, Raulin C, Thurlimann W, Reineke T, De Potter C, Neumann HA Journal: Eur J Dermatol 1999 Jul-Aug;9(5):374-9 PMID: 10417441, UI: 99348619 Affiliated institution: Department of Lasertherapy, Medical Centre Maastricht, Becanusstraat 17, 6216 BX Maastricht, The Netherlands. Cited … Continue reading “Schroeter, 1999 (flash lamp clinical data)”
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Smith, 1998 Title: Long-term results of hair photo-epilation. Authors: Smith SR, Tse Y, Adsit SK et. al. Journal: Am Soc Laser Med Surg (supp)43:1998 PMID: Affiliated institution: Cited in : .
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Raulin, 1997 Title: Effective treatment of hypertrichosis with pulsed light: a report of two cases. Authors: Raulin C, Werner S, Hartschuh W, Schonermark MP Journal: Ann Plast Surg 1997 Aug;39(2):169-73 PMID: 9262770, UI: 97408250 Affiliated institution: Center for Dermatologic Laser Therapy, Karlsruhe, Germany. Cited in : Dr. Christian Raulin of the Center for Dermatologic Laser … Continue reading “Raulin, 1997 (flash lamp clinical data)”
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Sadick, 2000 Title: Long-term photoepilation using a broad-spectrum intense pulsed light source Authors: Sadick NS, Weiss RA, Shea CR, Nagel H, Nicholson J, Prieto VG Journal: Arch Dermatol 2000 Nov;136(11):1336-40 PMID: 11074695 Affiliated institution: 772 Park Ave, New York, NY 10021. nssderm@earthlink.net Cited in : The goal of laser or flashlamp photoepilation is to produce … Continue reading “Sadick, 2000 (flash lamp clinical data)”
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Title: Hair removal with an intense pulsed-light source Authors: Gold MH Journal: Am Soc Laser Med Surg 10(supp)58:1998 PMID: Affiliated institution: Cited in : .
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Gold, 1997 Title: Long-term epilation using the EpiLight broad band, intense pulsed light hair removal system. Authors: Gold MH, Bell MW, Foster TD, Street S Journal: Dermatol Surg 1997 Oct;23(10):909-13 PMID: 9357500, UI: 98020371 Affiliated institution: Gold Skin Care Center, Nashville, Tennesse, USA. Cited in : Liew anatomic/melanin, McCoy BACKGROUND: The long-term epilation of hair … Continue reading “Gold, 1997 (flash lamp clinical data)”
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