van Gemert, 1989 (thermal relaxation time)

van Gemert, 1989 Title: Time constants in thermal laser medicine. Authors: van Gemert MJ, Welch AJ Journal: Lasers Surg Med 1989;9(4):405-21 PMID: 2761336, UI: 89343474 Affiliated institution: University of Texas, Austin 78712. Cited in: Temperature rise of laser-irradiated tissue due to direct absorption of laser light is related to laser parameters (power, spot size, irradiation … Continue reading “van Gemert, 1989 (thermal relaxation time)”

van Gemert, 1996 (thermal relaxation time)

van Gemert, 1996 Title: Time constants in thermal laser medicine: II. Distributions of time constants and thermal relaxation of tissue. Authors: van Gemert MJ, Lucassen GW, Welch AJ Journal: Phys Med Biol 1996 Aug;41(8):1381-99 PMID: 8858726, UI: 97011734 Affiliated institution: Laser Center, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Cited in: Dierickx The thermal response of … Continue reading “van Gemert, 1996 (thermal relaxation time)”

Nanni, 1999 (Nd:YAG, ruby, alex side effects)

Nanni, 1999 Title: Laser-assisted hair removal: side effects of Q-switched Nd:YAG, long-pulsed ruby, and alexandrite lasers. Authors: Nanni CA, Alster TS Journal: J Am Acad Dermatol 1999 Aug;41(2 Pt 1):165-71 PMID: 10426883, UI: 99355835 Affiliated institution: Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery, Washington, DC 20037, USA. Cited in: BACKGROUND: Laser-assisted hair removal has become popularized … Continue reading “Nanni, 1999 (Nd:YAG, ruby, alex side effects)”

Nanni, 1998 (Nd:YAG, ruby, alex compared)

Nanni, 1998 Title: A practical review of laser-assisted hair removal using the Q-switched Nd:YAG, long-pulsed ruby, and long-pulsed alexandrite lasers. Authors: Nanni CA, Alster TS Journal: Dermatol Surg 1998 Dec;24(12):1399-405; discussion 1405 PMID: 9865211, UI: 99082730 Affiliated institution: Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery, Washington, DC 20037, USA. Cited in: BACKGROUND: The recent development of … Continue reading “Nanni, 1998 (Nd:YAG, ruby, alex compared)”

Kilmer 1998 (compares Nd:YAG, ruby, alexandrite)

Kilmer 1998 Title: Hair removal study comparing the q-switched nd:YAG and long-pulse ruby and alexandrite lasers. Author: Kilmer SL, Chotzen VA, Calkin J Journal: Lasers Surg Med 1-(suppl):43, 1998. PMID: Affiliated institution: Cited in:

Grevelink, 1997 (ruby/Nd:YAG nevi)

Grevelink, 1997 Title: Clinical and histological responses of congenital melanocytic nevi after single treatment with Q-switched lasers. Author: Grevelink JM, van Leeuwen RL, Anderson RR, Byers HR Publication: Arch Dermatol 1997 Mar;133(3):349-53 PMID: 9080896, UI: 97235977 Affiliated institution: Massachusetts General Hospital Dermatology Laser Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA. Cited in: BACKGROUND: Laser irradiation of … Continue reading “Grevelink, 1997 (ruby/Nd:YAG nevi)”

Chang, 1996

Chang, 1996 Title: Q-switched ruby laser treatment of oculodermal melanosis (nevus of Ota). Authors: Chang CJ, Nelson JS, Achauer BM Journal: Plast Reconstr Surg 1996 Oct;98(5):784-90 PMID: 8823014, UI: 96420315 Affiliated institution: Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan. Cited in: Solomon The Q-switched ruby laser at 694 nm, a … Continue reading “Chang, 1996”

Ashinoff, 1993 (ruby tattoo removal)

Ashinoff, 1993 Title: Rapid response of traumatic and medical tattoos to treatment with the Q-switched ruby laser. Authors: Ashinoff R, Geronemus RG Journal: Plast Reconstr Surg 1993 Apr;91(5):841-5 PMID: 8460187, UI: 93212026 Affiliated institution: Ronald O. Perelman Department of Dermatology, New York University Medical Center, N.Y. Cited in: Solomon Traumatic tattoos can be very difficult … Continue reading “Ashinoff, 1993 (ruby tattoo removal)”

Achauer, 1996 (ruby tattoo removal)

Achauer, 1996 Title: Traumatic tattooing: treatment with the Q-switched ruby laser: a case study. Authors: Achauer BM, VanderKam VM Journal: Ann Plast Surg 1996 Apr;36(4):398-400 PMID: 8728584, UI: 96292631 Affiliated institution: Division of Plastic Surgery, Beckman Laser Institute, University of California Irvine, USA. Cited in: Solomon This case report details the successful treatment of extensive, … Continue reading “Achauer, 1996 (ruby tattoo removal)”

Why is hair removal painful?

Nerve photo (Schuster, 1992) Ever wonder why hair removal hurts so much? Here’s why! Look at all those nerves in this microscopic photo of a hair root! The reason tweezing, waxing, laser, and electrolysis are sometimes painful is because each hair has a bundle of nerves surrounding the lower follicle. Plucking a hair tears the … Continue reading “Why is hair removal painful?”