van Gemert, 1989 Title: Time constants in thermal laser medicine. Authors: van Gemert MJ, Welch AJ Journal: Lasers Surg Med 1989;9(4):405-21 PMID: 2761336, UI: 89343474 Affiliated institution: University of Texas, Austin 78712. Cited in: Temperature rise of laser-irradiated tissue due to direct absorption of laser light is related to laser parameters (power, spot size, irradiation … Continue reading “van Gemert, 1989 (thermal relaxation time)”
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van Gemert, 1996 Title: Time constants in thermal laser medicine: II. Distributions of time constants and thermal relaxation of tissue. Authors: van Gemert MJ, Lucassen GW, Welch AJ Journal: Phys Med Biol 1996 Aug;41(8):1381-99 PMID: 8858726, UI: 97011734 Affiliated institution: Laser Center, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Cited in: Dierickx The thermal response of … Continue reading “van Gemert, 1996 (thermal relaxation time)”
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Nanni, 1999 Title: Laser-assisted hair removal: side effects of Q-switched Nd:YAG, long-pulsed ruby, and alexandrite lasers. Authors: Nanni CA, Alster TS Journal: J Am Acad Dermatol 1999 Aug;41(2 Pt 1):165-71 PMID: 10426883, UI: 99355835 Affiliated institution: Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery, Washington, DC 20037, USA. Cited in: BACKGROUND: Laser-assisted hair removal has become popularized … Continue reading “Nanni, 1999 (Nd:YAG, ruby, alex side effects)”
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Nanni, 1998 Title: A practical review of laser-assisted hair removal using the Q-switched Nd:YAG, long-pulsed ruby, and long-pulsed alexandrite lasers. Authors: Nanni CA, Alster TS Journal: Dermatol Surg 1998 Dec;24(12):1399-405; discussion 1405 PMID: 9865211, UI: 99082730 Affiliated institution: Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery, Washington, DC 20037, USA. Cited in: BACKGROUND: The recent development of … Continue reading “Nanni, 1998 (Nd:YAG, ruby, alex compared)”
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Kilmer 1998 Title: Hair removal study comparing the q-switched nd:YAG and long-pulse ruby and alexandrite lasers. Author: Kilmer SL, Chotzen VA, Calkin J Journal: Lasers Surg Med 1-(suppl):43, 1998. PMID: Affiliated institution: Cited in:
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Grevelink, 1997 Title: Clinical and histological responses of congenital melanocytic nevi after single treatment with Q-switched lasers. Author: Grevelink JM, van Leeuwen RL, Anderson RR, Byers HR Publication: Arch Dermatol 1997 Mar;133(3):349-53 PMID: 9080896, UI: 97235977 Affiliated institution: Massachusetts General Hospital Dermatology Laser Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA. Cited in: BACKGROUND: Laser irradiation of … Continue reading “Grevelink, 1997 (ruby/Nd:YAG nevi)”
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Chang, 1996 Title: Q-switched ruby laser treatment of oculodermal melanosis (nevus of Ota). Authors: Chang CJ, Nelson JS, Achauer BM Journal: Plast Reconstr Surg 1996 Oct;98(5):784-90 PMID: 8823014, UI: 96420315 Affiliated institution: Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan. Cited in: Solomon The Q-switched ruby laser at 694 nm, a … Continue reading “Chang, 1996”
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Ashinoff, 1993 Title: Rapid response of traumatic and medical tattoos to treatment with the Q-switched ruby laser. Authors: Ashinoff R, Geronemus RG Journal: Plast Reconstr Surg 1993 Apr;91(5):841-5 PMID: 8460187, UI: 93212026 Affiliated institution: Ronald O. Perelman Department of Dermatology, New York University Medical Center, N.Y. Cited in: Solomon Traumatic tattoos can be very difficult … Continue reading “Ashinoff, 1993 (ruby tattoo removal)”
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Achauer, 1996 Title: Traumatic tattooing: treatment with the Q-switched ruby laser: a case study. Authors: Achauer BM, VanderKam VM Journal: Ann Plast Surg 1996 Apr;36(4):398-400 PMID: 8728584, UI: 96292631 Affiliated institution: Division of Plastic Surgery, Beckman Laser Institute, University of California Irvine, USA. Cited in: Solomon This case report details the successful treatment of extensive, … Continue reading “Achauer, 1996 (ruby tattoo removal)”
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Nerve photo (Schuster, 1992) Ever wonder why hair removal hurts so much? Here’s why! Look at all those nerves in this microscopic photo of a hair root! The reason tweezing, waxing, laser, and electrolysis are sometimes painful is because each hair has a bundle of nerves surrounding the lower follicle. Plucking a hair tears the … Continue reading “Why is hair removal painful?”
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