Hair removal consultation video

Cheryl Conway of made this helpful video of what happens at a hair removal consultation.  Topics covered: Hair anatomy Differences between thermolysis and electrolysis Hair cycles Treatment phases Preparation for treatment: shaving Hair growth Eyebrows Reactions to treatment Pre & Post care Next: Choosing an electrologist

Home electrolysis

Introduction First off: I don’t recommend attempting home electrolysis. Second: Most home hair removal systems have no proof of permanent results they claim. You must use a unit where you insert a probe into the follicle if you want permanent results. Description It’s a small device with a stylet that looks like a mechanical pencil. … Continue reading “Home electrolysis”

Home electrolysis purchasing info

I do not recommend attempting home electrolysis, but I’ve provided purchasing information for those who decide to try it anyway. Buying a home unit Most home systems do not work. You must use a unit where you insert a probe into the follicle if you want permanent results. The only home unit widely available in … Continue reading “Home electrolysis purchasing info”

Tips & Tricks

Some hair removal tips to make hair removal easier and more effective: Choosing a method Choosing a light-based hair removal practitioner Choosing an electrologist Eye safety during hair removal Hair removal consultation Light-based hair removal consultation form Pain mangement

Hair removal terms: S

Eventually, I hope to link up glossary terms with corresponding pages, but for now, please use this glossary in combination with the search feature. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # Sacrum lower back Sally … Continue reading “Hair removal terms: S”

Hair removal terms: R

Eventually, I hope to link up glossary terms with corresponding pages, but for now, please use this glossary in combination with the search feature. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # Radio frequency Razors RE … Continue reading “Hair removal terms: R”

Hair removal terms: L

Eventually, I hope to link up glossary terms with corresponding pages, but for now, please use this glossary in combination with the search feature. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # Lanugo hair Laseaway is … Continue reading “Hair removal terms: L”

Hair removal terms: E

Eventually, I hope to link up glossary terms with corresponding pages, but for now, please use this glossary in combination with the search feature. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # Ears : a common … Continue reading “Hair removal terms: E”

Hair removal terms: C

Eventually, I hope to link up glossary terms with corresponding pages, but for now, please use this glossary in combination with the search feature. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # Calamine: a pink ointment … Continue reading “Hair removal terms: C”

Hair removal terms: A

Aavexx: Makes transdermal electrolysis machines and Liquid Electrolysis topical solution Abdomen: the soft area between the rib cage and the pubic area. A common area for excess hair, often in a line from the belly button to the pubic hair AC: see alternating current Acid: a liquid, usually corrosive with a pH lower than 7, … Continue reading “Hair removal terms: A”