Hage, 1991
Title: Surgical depilation for the treatment of pseudofolliculitis or local hirsutism of the face: experience in the first 40 patients.
Authors: Hage JJ, Bouman FG
Journal: Plast Reconstr Surg 1991 Sep;88(3):446-51
Affiliated institution: Department of Plastic Surgery, Academic Hospital Free University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
PMID: 1871222, UI: 91334614
Forty patients underwent surgical depilation for pseudofolliculitis barbae or local hirsutism of the face during a 15-year period. The operative method and its results and pitfalls are discussed. Although it is not the treatment of choice, this operation is very useful when other therapy has not been successful. This seems especially true in male-to-female transsexuals.
Comment in: Plast Reconstr Surg 1992 Aug;90(2):332-3