Ashinoff, 1993
Title: Rapid response of traumatic and medical tattoos to treatment with the Q-switched ruby laser.
Authors: Ashinoff R, Geronemus RG
Journal: Plast Reconstr Surg 1993 Apr;91(5):841-5
PMID: 8460187, UI: 93212026
Affiliated institution: Ronald O. Perelman Department of Dermatology, New York University Medical Center, N.Y.
Cited in: Solomon
Traumatic tattoos can be very difficult to remove. Excision is often not possible because of the extent of the tattoo, and dermabrasion may not be able to reach the area of pigment without significant scarring. Six patients with traumatic (n = 5) or medical (n = 11) tattoos were treated with the Q-switched ruby laser with complete or nearly complete resolution after one to six treatments without cutaneous scarring or permanent pigmentary alteration.