Bergfeld, 1987
Title: Hirsutism.
Authors: Bergfeld WF, Redmond GP
Journal: Dermatol Clin 1987 Jul;5(3):501-7
PMID: 3301108, UI: 87274362
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The androgen status of a hirsute woman can be diagnosed today by new techniques for measuring circulating androgens. Unfortunately, a battery of expensive tests is required to make this assessment. Two specific basic screening tests, DHEA-S and total free testosterone determinations, should be done. If the patient is interested in and can afford it, further testing can be done; it includes 17-hydroxyprogesterone, prolactin, compound S (serum 11-deoxycortisol) and cortisol measurements and a dexamethasone suppression test. Elevations of androgens, whereas elevations of testosterone can be due to ovarian or adrenal secretion. Establishing the site of androgen hypersecretion allows one to be more selective regarding the antiandrogen therapy. When excess androgen secretion is primarily adrenal in origin, adrenal suppression is effective with the use of such drugs as dexamethasone. If the excess androgen is primarily of ovarian origin, cyclic estrogens, for example, Demulen or Premarin with Provera, would be helpful. The evaluation of a hirsute patient takes time, interest, and knowledge of specific androgen-dependent cutaneous syndromes involving multiple possible enzymatic defects in the conversion of cholesterol to testosterone or intercellular pathways of androgen metabolism. If the dermatologist is not interested in or lacks the knowledge for such an evaluation, the patient is best referred to an interested endocrinologist.