Konnikov, 1990
Title: Evaluation of the effect of radio frequency energy delivered by the Removatron hair removal device on hair regrowth.
Author: Konnikov N
Journal: unpublished, 1990 (commissioned by manufacturer)
This unpublished report was included with Removatron’s 515(i) submission to FDA, and was dismissed by FDA as "only suggestive" of permanent hair removal.
Dr. Konnikov compared plucking with electric tweezing by Removatron on 13 women. After six months of treatment, patients were only observed in follow-up for three months after final treatment.
Despite this small sample size and brief follow-up, Dr. Konnikov concluded that “46% of facial hairs treated with the Removatron device can be considered with reasonable medical certainty to have been permanently removed.” FDA didn’t buy it, and either do I.
See also a published report using electric tweezers ( Verdich 1984).
I will scan the full text when time permits. Those wishing a hard copy may contact me through my feedback page.