Williams, 1999
Title: Hair Removal Using an 810 nm Gallium Aluminum Arsenide Semiconductor Diode Laser: A Preliminary Study.
Author: Williams RM, Gladstone HB, Moy RL
Journal: Dermatol Surg 1999 Dec;25(12):935-937
PMID: 10594625
Affiliated institution:
BACKGROUND: Laser hair removal is a popular treatment method for removing unwanted hair. Several laser systems are available for laser hair removal. The gallium aluminum arsenide semiconductor diode (GAASD) laser is one of the newer laser modalities to be studied.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of the GAASD laser system in removing unwanted hair.
METHODS: Twenty-six patients with brown or black hair growth were treated with the GAASD laser at fluences of 20-80 J/cm2. Hair regrowth was measured 4 weeks after the first treatment, 4 weeks after the second treatment, 4 weeks after the third treatment, and 4 weeks, 8 weeks, and 8 months after the fourth treatment.
CONCLUSION: GAASD laser treatment resulted in hair growth delay in all treated regions. Repeated laser treatments did not produce an increased number of vellus hairs. The percentage of hair reduction fluctuated between 5% and 13% with the second or third treatment averaging the highest percent reduction. In all cases, the percentage of hair reduction of the treatment sites evaluated at 8 months after the fourth treatment was less than both the second and third treatments (highest average percent reduction) and the fourth (last) treatment.