Dierickx, 1999 (unpublished)
Proposed title: Effective, permanent hair reduction using a pulsed, high-power diode laser
Authors: Dierickx CC, Anderson RR, Campos VB, Grossman MC
Journal: none
PMID: none
Affiliated institution: Wellman Labs of Photomedicine, Harvard Medical School; Laser and Skin Surgery Center of New York
Available at:
Lumenis promotional website
This unpublished article was presented in progress to FDA, which cleared the LightSheerTM Diode Laser System for hair removal in December 1997.
This summary is currently available on the diode laser maker’s promotional website to allow users of this system to better inform their patients. This is not a peer-reviewed medical publication, and is provided by Coherent Medical solely for informational purposes regarding its products. It is not a substitute for clinical observation of laser-tissue interaction and clinical experience.
Written by the same doctors whose described clinical results with ruby lasers (Dierickx 1998) were markedly better than most other peer-reviewed publications.