Medical Laser Technologies, Ltd.
Contact information
Address on FDA submission:
David C. Hamilton, Managing Director
Medical Laser Technologies Limited
Belleknowes Industrial Estate, Unit 4
Inverkeithing, Fife KY11 1HY United Kingdom
+44 1383 411555
+44 1383 411666 (fax)
I don’t know anyone who has ever operated or had treatments from the MLT R694 laser cleared through FDA by this company.
Available devices
MLT R694 ruby
Please note that this company is not affiliated with US-based Medical Laser Technologies, Inc., also known as MLT International, Inc.
On 14 January 2002, I received a letter from Michael F. O’Shea, President of Medical Laser Technologies, Inc.:
I have just been informed that your site contains a reference to MLT International, Inc. and that it links it to a David Hamilton in the UK. Please be advised that MLT International, Inc. has nothing to do with David Hamilton or hair removal. We are a South Carolina based public company which provides network security systems to Fortune 1000 companies and governmental agencies. Please make immediate arrangements to correct this on your site.
Due to the similarities in names, I had previously reported these two companies were connected. I corrected this the day I received the letter above, and I regret this unintentional error.