Gregg Manning, also known as Greg Manning and Greg Mannon, is a name used by salespeople associated with Global Electrolysis Supply.
Global Electrolysis Supply should be avoided by all consumers.
Someone using these names has been operating out of Albuquerque, New Mexico for the past couple of years. Mail for this name was also being sent to the United Kingdom as of 2002.
Recent online contact information:
Listing in 2001:
“Gregg Manning” at “3167 San Mateo NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110-1921”
This address is Mail Boxes Etc. Store #2210.
Listing in 2002:
“Greg Manning” at The Post House, Barracloughs Lane, North Lincolnshire,  DN18 5BA UK
Fax: Â (419)Â 710-4577 (this Fax is a northern Ohio phone number)
email: is listed to:
“Greg Mannon” at “3301 Coors Rd NW #220 Albuquerque , NM 87120”
This address is Mail Boxes Etc. Store # 751.
phone: 888-281-7739 is listed to:
“Greg Manning” at “3167 San Mateo NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110-1921”
This address is Mail Boxes Etc. Store #2210.
fax: Â 419Â 710-4577 (this Fax is a northern Ohio phone number)
Anyone with additional information on Gregg Manning, aka Greg Manning and Greg Mannon can send it along, and Iâll forward it to the proper authorities.
Other names associated with Global Electrolysis Supply
See also my pages on Chris Williams (also known as “Chris Limon”) and
“Deb Shatz.”