Synoptic Products/Arand Ltd.

Synoptic Products

Synoptic Products is the importer for Ballet needles for the United States, and as such is required by FDA to obtain 501(k) clearance prior to importation. This is standard procedure for importers of medical devices. Maker of Ballet sterile disposable needles.

Ballet Technologies Ltd
Brunswick House, Rose Lane,
Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, U.K. SG18 ONB
Tel: (44) (1767) 225 092;
Fax: (44) 01767 225 091;

Web site:

Information provided by Joe Asch, President, Ballet Needles on 9 April 2005.

These are very commonly used. For more on choices in electrolysis probes, click here.

Information was updated based on a letter from Synoptic president James Paisner on 16 February 2001.