Other hair removal resources
The quality of online hair removal information varies significantly from site to site.
If you have not found what you needed in the HairFacts hair removal directory or via the [hair removal forum, the sites listed below are recommended for giving consistently reliable information for consumers.
Medical information
Practitioner directories
In addition to the resources available on HairFacts, the following resources can help you make a more informed choice when choosing a hair removal practitioner.
- Find an electrologist (via AEA)
- Find a dermatologist (via AAD)
- Find a dermatologic surgeon (via ASDS)
- DoctorFinder (via AMA)
General directories
Other resources
For your convenience in doing further research, many of the more common ones are listed here, with commentary.
This is not an endorsement, but to assist you in doing further research. No claim is made to the quality of services provided by the directories of the practitioners they list.
hairlasers.com [archive]
- Affiliated with: C. L. Weiss-Louis
- In December 2004, owner Leah Weiss-Louis wrote, “I noticed that the listing for hairlasers.com needs some updating. I used to own Smooth Synergy, but sold it to Nicole Contos three years ago. Nicole owns Smooth Synergy, and is not related to Hairlasers.com except that she advertises on it, and I own hairlasers.com, and am no longer related to Smooth Synergy.”
laser-directory.com [archive]
- Affiliated with: Aesthetic Laser Centers (www.laser-hair-removal.com)
thelaserdirectory.com [archive]
- Affiliated with: Alison Berke Morano, owner of the Electrolysis Referral Directory (www.bworks.com).
laserblazers.com [archive]
- Affiliated with: Laser Center of St. Augustine (Judy Adams)
- Comment: Judy has been involved with the Kitty’s Consumer Beware/electric tweezer crowd. She was exposed a few years ago waging anonymous attacks on a fellow consumer advocate. Luckily, her directory only has a handful of listings.
laserhairremoval.com [archive]
- Originally affiliated with: V. M. Marketing Group, Inc.
- Comment: these guys also are responsible for selling the doubtful Vector hair removal device.
If you still have questions, you can ask our thousands of members for free at HairTell hair removal forum.